Scan2PDF X


Scan2PDF X - Demos

These demos use the full version of Scan2PDF X, and are exactly what your users and customers would experience. They are designed to show the power and versatility of Scan2PDF X by demonstrating a range of document management activities.

Please feel free to try all the demos. Note that the first time you load Scan2PDF X in your browser it can take up to 2 minutes to appear, but subsequent demos will load instantly. If you have any questions about ActiveX security then please read our security guide.

Demo 1: Create a PDF from a scan and save it to disk.

This demo will simulate an office with a local network or intranet where the users want to create PDFs from paper documents. Once created the PDF can be saved anywhere, either on a local disk or on the network. Alternatively Scan2PDF X can be put on a website so that anyone with Internet access can use it.

Bear in mind that there is no installation so any user can access Scan2PDF X from any PC!

Before you run the demo you can select any of the following:
PDF output:
PDF Password (leave blank for none):
Scan Resolution :

Demo 2: Send a PDF as an attached document using MAPI.

This demo will show how the PDF of the scanned document can be sent by email using MAPI (ie through the user's outbox). For the purposes of this demo we will scan at 200dpi, with no password and create a color PDF. We'll also enable the Show UI tickbox so that you can see the scanner's user interface which means that ADF scanners can be used.

Demo 3: Send a PDF as an attached document using SMTP.

This demo will show how the PDF of the scanned document can be sent by email using SMTP. Again we will scan and create a PDF using the same settings as in Demo 2, but this time the email will be sent using Burrotech's SMTP server. You can send the email to yourself, but this time we will demonstrate that the email settings can be disabled. This could be useful if you want to fix the subject and recipient so that the email can be catalogued accurately. In this demo the feature to delete all pages after a successful send is also switched on.

This system could be on your website allowing your customers to send documents to you.

Enter your email address:

Demo 4: Uploading a scanned PDF using FTP.

This is the most impressive demo and demonstrates the ability to instantly turn paper documents into electronic ones which can be viewed by a large public or private audience. It takes a scanned page and uploads it to a pre-determined webspace, in this case a section of the Burrotech website. The golf club case study is a good example of this kind of facility (where the scores and results from a competition can be uploaded for the competitor to view from home) but the list of clubs and businesses who could use this is almost endless.

In this setup the PDF will be mono and limited to 2 pages at 200dpi (so that our webspace isn't filled too quickly). You get to choose the name of the pdf file to be created and you can view it as soon as you have scanned and uploaded it. Bear in mind that the pdf will be on a public website and even though only you will know the website address it would be sensible not to use any private or sensitive documents for the purpose of this demo.

Select a filename to upload: